Launched in 2023, REA is a four-month paid apprenticeship designed to provide a viable pathway beyond the conventional Western approach to explore and jumpstart a career in investment and financial management designed by and for Indigenous matriarchs. Through a rich learning experience, apprentices take part in teaching by industry experts, case studies, small group discussions, and practical exercises to develop the essential problem-solving and decision-making skills needed to craft an investment strategy.
Our mission in numbers
enrolled apprentices and growing
tribal nations represented in cohorts
of alumnae are currently in the industry
sessions on venture capital, financial acumen, impact investing and debt financing
Our Approach
Engage in weekly seminars/modules taught by industry experts to support fundamental financial education and other relevant topics such as how to conduct market research, investment analysis and due diligence, and the racist and colonial history of the Stock Market
Learn from a trauma-informed facilitator to understand the link between trauma and financial behavior, frameworks for psychological healing, and how to practice mindfulness exercises
Build networks and relationships with other apprentices through a cohort model that engages in community circles, convenings, and other relationship-building activities
Work 1:1 and in a group setting with a career coach to design a plan for a post-apprenticeship career journey
Self-determine a pathway to an existing fund or financial institution whether as an intern or entry-level position that is fully salaried
We define trauma-informed as an approach rooted in education on the neuroscience of trauma — collective, racialized, and personal trauma in a colonial-impact context.
Program Learning Journey
Apprentices will be grounded with an introduction to venture capital, deal structure and selection, due diligence of term sheets and capitalization tables, and negotiating and contracting with limited partner/general partner.
Apprentices will learn about accounting principles, financial statement analysis, interpretation of key financial metrics, and investment strategies.
Apprentices will gain knowledge in impact investing 101 coursework, investing vehicles and impact investment, data analysis and data visualization, and technical system support.
Apprentices will be guided through a history of ancestral Indigenous teachings of trade and commerce paired with psychoeducation on financial trauma and healing.
Apprentices will prepare an investment memo to present to a mock investment committee as the capstone stone project.